Tuesday, November 11, 2008

can someone please kill dead the "open letter" device, or maybe levy a steep surcharge on each usage?  or at least make it vaguely interesting and/or funny, as opposed to the weepy sentimental crap you usually get with the form that makes me want to claw my eyes out?  it's a device where were it to disappear altogether I'd never fucking miss it for one bloody second.  and for whatever reason, big historic events seem to trigger people's open-letter-writing inner dickwad so that you find a sappy one in every corner of the liberal blogosphere.  

An open letter to open-letter writers

Dear fuckwad,

Please stop.  Now.  

Also, I can't tell you how much this moment in history means to me.  

Please use your unique power and role in world history to do X, Y, and Z (in this case, X Y, and Z being the cessation of the production of any further open letters).  

In closing, please close the book on the open letter.  



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