Thursday, October 9, 2008

This is how the world will end . . .

. . . not with a bang or a whimper, but with Walt Monegan's mouth.  

why do I have the sneaking suspicion that Walt Monegan's mouth is an emerging black hole that will suck up the entire contents of the universe, leaving nothing behind but perhaps two or three pathetic examples of John McCain's support for more regulation?  
It does look weird, right?  The mustache and all, and the skin around his mouth that's sort of like a sinkhole in the middle of his face?  Am I alone in this?
Better question: am I alone here?   

1 comment:

Paul said...

I suppose it's too bad that "reader" is a count noun and not a mass noun. For it would be one thing to say that you have reader, just as it is one thing to say you have energy. But it is another to have to say that you have one reader.

Then again, you could always refer to your "readership," the same way one might refer to a nation's weaponry of mass destruction, even if that have just one weapon of mass destruction.

Also, in formal logic, one instance is all it takes to make it true that some such things exit. So you also have *some* readers.

Isn't that comforting?!