Thursday, October 9, 2008

He could be

Via the most popular one-man political blog site in the world, perhaps the most illuminating, sobering, yet somehow unsurprising three or four minutes of footage on the campaign to date:

Favorite parts:  

Q: When did you first hear of Obama?
A: Never.  


the bit where the legal eagle gives his hand-wench some pretty keen advice to "refuse to answer any questions unless they give them to you in writing."  Brilliant!  


Q: Is Barack Obama a terrorist?
A: He could be.

Way to explore the very outer edges of logical possibility!!!  
Seriously, were all of these people just drunk?  


Paul said...

OMG. While watching the opening question, and hearing that dude mention the Muslim roots, I began this comment. I was going to write, "Bloodlines, BITCHES!" for reasons obvious to you, me, and the perfesser. And then, while writing the comment, I hear that woman--"that one"--actually SAY "bloodlines"!!

I. almost. died.

Paul said...

My favorite part:

Q: When did you first hear about ACORN?


j said...

Yes, awesome too. It's like she just took her eyes off of the propaganda rag in her hands where she first heard the acronym ACORN just in time to answer the question.

j said...

i commend her for her momentary lapse of honesty though.

j said...

uh, or what i meant was, her momentary lapse wherein she uttered something honest.