Thursday, September 18, 2008

I don't know what happened, everything's coming in so fozzie

Elizabeth Drew, whose political reporting I've enjoyed on at least one or two occasions in the New York Review, has this to say about her on again, off again relationship with Statler.

McCain’s recent conduct of his campaign – his willingness to lie repeatedly
(including in his acceptance speech) and to play Russian roulette with the
vice-presidency, in order to fulfill his long-held ambition – has reinforced my
, and growing, sense that John McCain is not a principled man. In fact,
it’s not clear who he is.

(emphasis mine). Breaking!!! * * * * Nancy Drew Appeals to World: Please, Oh Please Give a Fuck About Whether I Land on 'Hating On McCain' in the Musical Chairs of Life Once the Sweet Sweet Song of Myself Comes to Its Wistful End.
In other words, shorter Nancy Drew mystery: Against McCain before I was for him, wrote a paean to the oversizedness of his weener in relation to his little drawfish body, then realized the lighting was bad and I'm far-sighted anyways, will duly write sequel to Citizen McCain, which I will cleverly title Citizen Cain and will simply involve altering the text of the first obsequious tome by inserting the word "NOT!" in front of all glowing references to the Mav. [Septimus Smith: What drove me to insanity and subsequent death by impaling was that stupid phrase "for it before he was against it." Each time that phrase is used an angel's wings are pierced. Please refrain.] [FP: Noted. btw, you're crazy.] Really, is it possible that anyone cares that Drew is easily duped?? Perhaps she and Sullivan, Klein (Joe), Marshall, et al. could get around to forming a support group wherein on an hour by hour basis they detail to the group and the world at large their efforts at recovery, which consist of tearing down the vaunted myth of the maverick that they helped errect so assiduously in the first four years of the decade. [Waldorf: you moron, they have done this, it's called "the daily dish" and "talkingpointsmemo"!] [FP: true dat, and indeed, these poor teetotaling souls have finally kicked the McCain addiction, reaching the 12th step of recovery, which is comprised of eleven parts excessive use of the words "meme" and "narrative," a heaping tablespoonful of the word "bamboozle" and its derivatives, and randomly throwing out inane phrases like "patience and steel" and "Know Hope." Huzzah!!! And congratulations on your sobriety!!]


By the way, if you're not reading Glenn Greenwald, then well, you're probably employed. But even if that's the case, you should probably make some time to give him a go. Late last night I ventured onto the fetid stomping grounds of the Right to find that, lo and behold, the Right is capable of indignation in the event of a breach of privacy. Oh NO!! A "gross violation of her privacy"!!!! What-ever will we tell the sweet, innocent children!?! Just how is it that one can get so exercised over the hacking of a single yahoo email account when the current administration (with the complicity of the Democratically controlled Congress, the cock-blocked judiciary, and the comfortably numb public) has presided over the warrantless eavesdropping of untold numbers of phone calls and illicit sifting of private email accounts? I'm out of my depth here, so I turn it over to the Duke of Outrage to pinpoint just what heights of ridiculousness the Right has attained.


ed. note: in conducting research for this weblog entry [SS: indeed, "blog" is such an ugly word.], I stumbled upon a heretofore uncovered romance---apparently S&W have carried on an illicit love affair with a certain Miss "Emily Bear" for an unspecified amount of time, which, if I recall from trusts and estates, makes Fozzie Bear of Wokka Wokka fame my adoptive son. Furriness explained.

It is later revealed in the Muppet Family
Christmas special that the two hecklers were friends with Fozzie's mother,
Emily Bear.

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