Thursday, September 25, 2008

With friends like these

Yglesias vents his frustration about Bill Clinton giving the stage to McCain at his Global Forum, which gives him the veneer of bi-partisan cooperation and high-mindedness:

You might think a former President would be so committed to an axe-grinding agenda that he couldn’t see the big picture.

As with most things relating to Clinton, once you hear more or look closer, it gets worse. Apparently McCain's call to delay the debate(s) was made in "good faith," which I think is crediting this bizarre conduct every bit as much as Lieberman or Graham would. This comes on the heels of an appearance on the Daily Show (part 1, part 2) where he could hardly muster up even the most milquetoast of praise for Sen. Obama while having an "aww shucks" moment in response to Stewart's playful entreaties to have him get back in the fray and beat all of the other presidential contenders. Oh right, William Jefferstein Clintonowitz has apparently also decided not to campaign for Obama in the crucial swing state of Florida during the Jewish holy days (twelve days in all). And I imagine harvest season will preclude him from visiting the midwest, and New England is out of the question because he couldn't possibly think of intruding on folks' enjoyment of the fall foliage. With friends like these . . . .

p.s. Lemieux agrees, and posts a hilarious segment of Letterman with Chris Rock.

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